12:23 02 Nov 2023

Security advisors of US, UK, France, Germany to gather for talks on support for Ukraine

Photo: OPU

The head of the Office of the President, Andrii Yermak, held talks with the US National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan. 

They agreed to summon a meeting of the national security advisors of the US, Great Britain, and more, Rubryka reports.

"We discussed the results of the third meeting of national security and foreign policy advisers, who gathered talk about Ukraine Peace Formula. Participants of the meeting held last week in Malta viewed over the plans to implement five points of the formula," Yermak reported.

According to the head of the President's Office, the parties agreed to hold an additional consultative meeting of national security advisors of the US, Great Britain, Germany, and France.

Yermak thanked the White House chief, his administration, and both houses of Congress for supporting and helping Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression.

As reported, on October 28, Malta hosted the third meeting of national security advisers and foreign policy advisers to discuss the peace formula.

Among the issues considered were nuclear and radiation safety, energy security, uninterrupted supply of food, return of deported children, civilian hostages, prisoners of war, restoration of territorial integrity of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian formula for peace.

Speaking at the G20 summit in November 2022, President Volodymyr Zelensky proposed a peace formula to stop a full-scale Russian war.

On October 20, the White House asked Congress for almost $106 billion for Ukraine, Israel, and other priority areas. The request for Ukraine is $61.4 billion, including $44.4 billion for Pentagon equipment, weapons replenishment, and other military support.

As reported, US President Joe Biden will veto the Republicans-proposed bill on providing aid to Israel without including aid to Ukraine. However, the Republicans put forward some conditions for further support of Ukraine.

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