Rubryka reports, referring to the intelligence review of the UK Ministry of Defense.
"Russia deploys Lancets to attack priority targets, and they have become increasingly prominent in the key counter-battery fight, striking enemy artillery," British analysts said.
According to experts, the Lancet small unmanned aerial systems of unilateral action are most likely one of the most effective new means that the Russian army has deployed in Ukraine over the past 12 months.
"Traditionally, Russia has used small UAVs mainly for reconnaissance. With its attack capability, Lancet has been a step change in how Russia uses this category of weapons," British intelligence said.
"Lancets" are produced by the aircraft manufacturing company ZALA Aero Group. ZALA also manufactures small unarmed Orlan-10 UAVs, which Russia often uses with Lancet to detect targets.
British intelligence also noted that Ukraine had also achieved success with small UAVs. They are designed for piloting over enemy territory, waiting for a target to be detected, diving into it, and detonating it.
In one of the previous reviews, British intelligence noted that Russia had not attacked Ukraine with bombers and missiles of the Kh-101 type for more than a month. This is the longest pause since the start of a full-scale war.
The Russian aggressors also began to use a new version of the Lancet kamikaze drone, called "Izdelie-53," which has the ability to autonomously identify targets.
Also, ISW stated in its report that Russian forces began to attack Ukrainian infrastructure with new Italmas drones. Compared to the Iranian Shahed-131/136 drones, they are cheaper and lighter.
British intelligence has recently reported that Russian artillery had retained significant potential in the lower Dnipro River.
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