Russian planes have been dropping mines and other explosive devices along the routes of cargo vessels in the Black Sea, the South Forces Group reports.
The occupiers continue to terrorise civilian shipping routes in the Black Sea with tactical aircraft, dropping explosive devices along the likely route of civilian vessels. Three such drops were recorded yesterday. However, the functioning of the navigation corridor continues under the auspices of the Defence Forces.
Russia announced its withdrawal from the grain deal due to alleged non-compliance with its terms. After that, the occupiers began shelling Ukrainian ports and grain infrastructure in southern regions.
Representatives of the commands explained that Russia regularly drops guided bombs, sea mines, and unidentified explosive devices near the sea corridor.
According to official figures, dozens of ships have used the Black Sea shipping route since it began operating in August.
The Black Sea has become one of the main war fields in Ukraine. The full extent of the damage caused to the Black Sea Fleet in recent months is not yet clear to the general public.
On 31 October, a Russian ship caught fire in Sevastopol Bay. Local publics reported a possible fire or a smoke installation test.
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