Photo: RIA Novosti
Yoo Sang-boom, a member of the ruling party, says North Korea has made about ten arms deliveries to Russia, which may be enough for about two months of shelling.
North Korea also sent advisers to Russia on the use of the munitions, which would be enough for about two months of shelling, Yoo cited the intelligence service as saying.
The state has some of the largest stockpiles of artillery shells and missiles that are compatible with Soviet-era weapons. The cooperation between the countries intensified as Moscow and Pyongyang found themselves in global isolation.
After Kim Jong-un's recent visit to Russia, the White House announced that the dictator's regime provided 1,000 containers of military equipment and ammunition to the invaders.
Sales of munitions could bring hundreds of millions, or even billions of dollars to Kim's cash-starved coffers, giving his sanctions-hit economy hard currency to engage in global commerce.
Putin has promised to help Kim put a spy satellite into orbit. According to the South Korean spy agency, North Korea has received technical assistance from Russia, which can help it achieve its goal of putting objects into space after two unsuccessful satellite launches.
On September 13, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Russian dictator Vladimir Putin met in Russia to discuss military cooperation. Prior to this, the Western media reported on the DPRK's intentions to transfer artillery stocks and weapons to Russia in exchange for technology.
The Estonian Defense Forces intelligence center, Colonel Ants Kiviselg, said that North Korea could transfer 300-350 thousand artillery ammunition to Russia, and this amount would be enough for Moscow for about a month of fighting in Ukraine of "medium intensity."
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