BGV Fund and Make it Real Foundation launch a charity project to organize Christmas festivities for vulnerable Ukrainian children

The BGV Charity Fund, in cooperation with the Make it Real Foundation, initiated a special project to organize Christmas and New Year celebrations for vulnerable Ukrainian children, kids in frontline zones, and displaced youth.

You can join this initiative by purchasing unusual semi-digital T-shirts created by the Make it Real Foundation. All proceeds will go toward organizing children's holidays and buying gifts and humanitarian aid. The fund will direct 5,000 presents to Kherson, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Zhytomyr regions, and 700 gifts will go to the National Children's Specialized Hospital "Okhmatdyt."

The T-shirt collection, crafted in collaboration with young artists, showcases the artwork of children from Mariupol, Kharkiv, and other Ukrainian cities. These kids have experienced the harsh reality of war but managed to maintain an unwavering faith in a peaceful future, a hope that will eventually become a reality. Each T-shirt features a unique QR code, unlocking an Instagram filter that brings the artwork to life.

Everyone who buys an exclusive semi-digital T-shirt contributes to bringing the joy of celebration and support to children in real need. It also allows buyers to create and share original content on their personal social media pages to spread the word about and engage others in this charity initiative.

To buy a T-shirt, you can place an order through private messages on the Make it Real Foundation's Instagram or Facebook page.

The Make it Real Foundation is a charity organization established in 2023 to support orphans and children from low-income families displaced due to the ongoing war. The foundation's mission is to ensure that every child receives care and parental love and to offer them the chance to have a happy childhood and a brighter future.

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