Ukraine plans to initiate EU membership negotiations by 2023 in absence of force majeure – FM Kuleba

Starting from the end of this week, there will be events that will contribute positively to Ukraine's progress towards the European Union.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, stated this on the national telethon "Edyny Novyny."

"I think that from the end of this week, you will see events and news that will have a positive effect. The Ukrainian authorities have worked to fulfill everything that is required from our side.

The President of Ukraine took charge of this process and kept it moving, but whenever something needed to be prescribed, it slowed down.

I have repeatedly said in previous months that if there is no force majeure, then by the end of this year, Ukraine will open negotiations on membership in the European Union," said the head of Ukrainian diplomacy.

Kuleba commented on the reform within the European Union, indicating that it is tough for the organization itself. And it was Ukraine's application for accession last year that changed the situation.

"All the processes related to EU enlargement were unfrozen, and the processes related to reform were also unfrozen, but it turned out that there is no vision for the reform. It is unclear as a whole where to move," the minister explained.

According to the head of the department, the European Union fears that the more significant it becomes, the more difficult it will be to make decisions based on the principle of consensus. And that is why the European states need to change the rules. In addition, the issue of the entry of new economies and internal balances of economic policies should also be resolved.

Kuleba pointed out that the position of Ukraine at the meeting of foreign ministers of the EU countries, at which the parameters of the reform will be determined, is that the reform of the European Union should not be used to slow down the integration of new members.

According to him, there is a big change in the perception of Ukraine as an equal partner and future member because they want and are ready to hear Ukraine's voice regarding what the EU should be.

For reference:

In July in Vilnius, President Volodymyr Zelensky discussed with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, the possibility of starting negotiations on Ukraine's EU membership at the end of the year.

The European Union recognized Ukraine and Moldova as official candidate countries shortly after Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Earlier, the head of the EC stated that if Ukraine maintains the current pace of reforms, it will be able to quickly achieve success in the process of joining the European Union.

As Rubryka wrote, on the 500th day of the Russian Federation's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Ursula von der Leyen assured that the EU would continue to support Kyiv.

EU leaders should decide on the official opening of negotiations on the accession of Ukraine and Moldova at the December summit after analyzing the report of the European Commission.

Recently, President Zelensky said that this decision could become the strongest in a decade: Ukraine is waiting for negotiations.

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