RBC-Ukraine reports, referring to local mass media, that the Russian Ministry of Emergencies received the information about the incident on the territory of the Solikamsk on Energetikov Street at 1:25 p.m. (10:25 a.m. Kyiv time).
44 people and 11 pieces of equipment rushed to the scene. Firefighters established that there was an "explosion" in the building of building No. 2.
No one was in the building at the time. The incident allegedly did not affect the work of the enterprise. The plant is working normally. There are no victims.
The Ministry of Territorial Security clarified that the incident occurred in workshop No. 3, which operates in an automated mode. According to operational information, windows and doors were broken.
Locals wrote on social media that in various areas of the city, "houses shook," furniture swayed, and in some buildings, even windows were broken.
The Solikamsk plant "Ural" is one of the largest military-industrial plants in Russia. It produces powder, explosives, rubber and plastic products, and paint materials. The gunpowder is pressed in workshop No. 3. The plant is part of the Specchimiya concern of the Rostec corporation.
Explosions in Russia
Recently, fires and explosions have been occurring more and more often on the territory of Russia.
In the Moscow Oblast, on August 9, a powerful explosion rocked an optical-mechanical plant that produces sights, night vision devices, and more in the city of Sergiev Posad.
In September, a fire broke out at the Salyut plant in Moscow. It is one of the largest enterprises in Russia for the production of engines for aviation.
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