Russian PMC seeks female warriors for combat roles in war against Ukraine – British intelligence

Redut private military company (PMC), which is financed by Russian intelligence, is for the first time purposefully trying to recruit women for combat positions in the war in Ukraine.

The British Ministry of Defense reported this on the X social network with reference to intelligence data.

As noted, recent announcements on social networks called for women to join the Borz battalion, which is part of Redut PMC, to work as snipers and drone operators. Redut is probably directly sponsored by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian Federation, the summary emphasizes.

In March 2023, the Minister of Defense of Russia, Sergei Shoigu, stated that 1,100 women were stationed in Ukraine, which is only about 0.3% of the personnel of the Russian Armed Forces.

As stated in the advertisement of the Redut PMC, currently, women mainly perform the functions of medical support and food service.

It remains unclear whether the official Russian armed forces will seek to give women more combat roles.

Women rarely fought on the front lines as part of pro-Russian forces during this war.

However, in the Soviet troops during the Second World War, there was a tradition of women's participation in combat operations, the summary says.

For reference:

Earlier, it was reported that the Russian Federation began to massively recruit women from the colonies for the war in Ukraine. Since women are more prone to propaganda, they agree more willingly than men.

As Rubryka reported, according to the General Staff, in connection with the catastrophic losses, it is expected that mass forced mobilization of the population will begin shortly in the Russian Federation and the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. Its indicators, according to various estimates, can be from 400 to 700 thousand people.

In addition, British intelligence believes that Russia has started to create a group known as the territory defense forces in its regions due to a shortage of skilled military personnel.

British intelligence also reported that Russia was recruiting migrants for the war in Ukraine to avoid domestic open mobilization.

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