Kyiv held World’s Largest Marathon” charity run to support Ukrainian troops

The World's Longest Marathon charity race took place at the National Exhibition Center of Ukraine in Kyiv.

The main goal of the project is to remind the global audience of the strength of Ukrainians and to support all those who have been defending Ukraine's freedom every day since 2014.

About 12,000 people took part in the race around the world, including 1,600 in Kyiv.

The organizers of the event aimed to raise funds for Ukrainian air defense, and to remind the world community about the war in Ukraine.

Today I was running for the sake of the Novoposhtovtsi employees who were hit by a Russian missile in Kharkiv region. More than 110 employees were killed in the Russian shelling. We were joined by 65 countries on all continents, including Germany, Poland, Chile, and Brazil. Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine also ran with us, said Inna Popereshniuk, organizer of the World's Longest Marathon.

We wanted to show the world that the war is not over. Russians are shelling Ukrainians every day, people are dying, but nothing will stop us. Ukrainians are a very strong nation, and we showed it today. We transfer all the donations from the race to the Come Back Alive charity fund to support our air defense, explained the marathon organizer.

The 1-kilomerer run let the participants had the opportunity to write on their stickers the names of the defenders for whom they were running the World's Longest Marathon.

Azov soldiers also joined the marathon, bein just released from captivity to remind the world about the captured defenders of Mariupol.

This is my first time running after being exchanged from captivity. I have a knee injury, so I doubted I would be able to run. Fortunately, I managed to do it. We must not forget that many of our defenders, including those from Azovstal, are still in captivity. Running for them is a very noble cause. I am grateful to everyone who joined us, said Gerda, a defender of the Azov brigade.

The marathon was also attended by people with prosthetic limbs, being restored at the Unbroken National Rehabilitation Center.

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