Photo: Russia 24 channel's screenshot
The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) stated this in a new report.
According to American analysts, the sources claimed that the drone allegedly has an automatic guidance system that can distinguish between types of targets and increase the chances of a successful strike.
It is reported that the occupiers are not yet using these drones on a large scale. However, Russian sources claim that the aggressors are currently testing drones for mass synchronized swarm strikes.
"The payload of the "Izdeliye-53" drones, which is reportedly between three and five kilograms, may not be sufficient to damage most critical military targets significantly, " US experts suggest.
It should be noted that on October 24 (ISW) stated in its report that the Russian troops began to carry out attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure with the new "Italmas" drones. Compared to the Iranian Shahed-131/136 drones, they are cheaper and lighter.
"The Russian command may believe that many attack drones will allow Russian forces to overcome Ukrainian air defenses," ISW summarized.
ISW Key Findings for October 28:
For reference:
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