Ukrainian drones launch multiple attacks on occupied Crimea and oil refinery in Russia

On the night of October 29, Russian air defenses allegedly shot down 36 drones in Crimea. In the Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation, a strike drone attacked the Afip oil refinery.

This is reported on Telegram of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russian channel Telegram Baza, and the Telegram channel "Krymsky Veter" ["Crimean Wind" – ed.].

As the Russian military noted, the air defense system of Russia's armed forces destroyed 36 aircraft-type UAVs.

The Ministry of Defense stated that the drones were shot down over the waters of the Black Sea and the northwestern part of Crimea.

According to residents, in Yevpatoria and the surrounding area of Crimea, a group of drones was heard on the night of October 29. Some people reported hearing sporadic gunfire from Zaozerne as authorities attempted to shoot down the drones.


In addition, two explosions were also heard in Chornomorske, in Yevpatoriya district.

Also, around 3:24 a.m., a drone crashed in the Siversky district of the Krasnodar region in Russia at an oil refinery site.

According to the official data of the operative headquarters, "a local fire occurred on the territory of the refinery, which was promptly extinguished by the plant's services within half an hour. The causes of the incident are being established."

According to preliminary data, there are no casualties.

For reference:

It should be noted that recently, there has been an increase in the number of fires in the Russian Federation, which occur both in border and remote regions.

So, on the night of May 31, a fire broke out in the region on the territory of the Afip Oil Refinery, apparently due to an attack by an unknown drone.

In addition, in the Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation, a powerful fire broke out at an oil depot near the Yablonovsky bridge.

Recently, on October 24, three Ukrainian unmanned boats attacked the Russian fleet in the northern part of the Black Sea.

Expressly, on October 20, the Russian occupiers declared an air raid alarm in Sevastopol, which is currently under their control. Following that, explosions could be heard throughout the city.

Also, on the evening of October 18, an air raid alarm was announced in Sevastopol after the explosions that rang out in the area of the Saharna Holovka village.

Explosions were heard in the temporarily captured Sevastopol on Sunday evening, October 22, and a column of smoke was visible in the area of Kozacha Bay.

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