
Ukraine and Netherlands start talks on a bilateral security guarantees

Ukraine and the Netherlands have started negotiations on a bilateral agreement on security guarantees under the Group of 7 (G7) Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine.

According to the Ukrainian Presidential Office, the first round of consultations occurred on the sidelines of the Ukraine peace formula summit in Malta.

The Netherlands became the sixth country with which Ukraine started relevant bilateral negotiations.

It is symbolic that we started security consultations with the Netherlands precisely during the third meeting of national security advisors on the Ukrainian peace formula because one of the formula's elements is to prevent the escalation of war and the repetition of aggression, head of the President's Office Andrii Yermak said.

Photo: Ukraine's President's Office

The bilateral consultations with the Netherlands focused on cooperation in the military sphere, Ukraine's economic recovery, joint efforts to bring the Russian aggressor to justice, as well as sanctions pressure and the use of confiscated assets.

The parties agreed on a plan of further actions for the near future to prepare for the conclusion of a bilateral agreement on security guarantees.

Фото: Офіс Президента

During the conversation with the Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Netherlands on foreign policy and defense Jeffrey van Leuven, the Head of the President's Office expressed gratitude for the recent visit of the Head of the Dutch government Mark Rutte to Odesa.

The interlocutors touched upon the issue of creating the production of defense products in Ukraine. Special attention was paid to further support from the Netherlands on the path of Ukraine's integration into the EU and NATO.

The parties also stressed the importance of continued sanctions pressure on Russia and joint counteraction to Russian disinformation and propaganda.

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