What is the problem?
Drones are the eyes of the modern army, as they protect positions, scout, correct fire, hit enemies directly, shoot down enemy drones, and even take prisoners! Drones also help to monitor the space, track the location and actions of the attackers, and see when soldiers in certain positions need reinforcements during the offensive or a safe exit from there.
What is the solution?
FPV drones are great tools for destroying the enemy and protecting Ukraine's air space, so the authorities are doing everything to produce more of them.
1,500+ Ukrainian FPV-drones Shrike were transferred to the Donetsk direction. Drones purchased at the expense of the "Army of Drones" state program, Fedorov said.
Drones are purchased at the expense of the state program. Copters will help Ukrainian soldiers to hold the defense and effectively hit the enemy positions and equipment.
How does it work?
A Ukrainian defense-tech startup produces kamikaze drones. One drone costs only a few hundred dollars, but the work results will unpleasantly impress the invaders and delight Ukrainians in weekly reports from the strike companies.
Only more Ukrainian drones at the front. We won't stop, concluded Fedorov.
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