Malta hosts third Ukraine peace summit with over 65 countries in attendance

On October 28, the third peace summit regarding Ukraine started in Malta, which representatives of more than 65 countries will attend.

The head of the Office of the President, Andriy Yermak, reported that on Telegram.

As the government official noted, foreign policy advisers and national security advisers are participating in the summit. This time, there are also representatives of the West and the Global South.

Yermak noted that at the third summit, plans for the implementation of 5 points of the Ukrainian peace formula will be presented and discussed:

  • nuclear, energy, food security,
  • humanitarian direction (release of prisoners and deported persons),
  • restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the world order.

"These plans were developed by working groups, which included representatives of the embassies of various countries, as well as experts," added the head of the Office of the President.

It should be noted that on October 27, in Latin America, for the first time, a resolution was passed condemning Russian aggression against Ukraine.

For reference:

The meeting on the Ukrainian peace formula will take place on October 28-29 in Malta. The main goal for Ukraine, according to the head of the President's Office, is to secure "the widest possible international support" for President Volodymyr Zelensky's peace plan.

This time, China is not participating in the peace summit. According to the media, the absence of Beijing disappointed the Ukrainian leadership.

The first summit of the Peace Formula was held on June 26 in Copenhagen (Denmark) and the second on August 6 in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia).

Then, Ukraine managed to attract not only direct partners and allies but also representatives of the Global South, who took a neutral position regarding the war.

As reported, in November 2022, President Volodymyr Zelensky presented the Ukrainian 10-point Peace Formula during a speech to the participants of the Group of Twenty summit, and preparations for the Global Peace Summit are currently underway.

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