
Sunak and Zelensky in talks on grain corridor and more air defense for Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had a telephone conversation with the UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

The Ukrainian leader thanked Sunak for his powerful words of support for Ukraine in a speech to the British parliament on October 23, Rubryka reports, citing the Office of the President.

The president also expressed gratitude for all the timely and comprehensive assistance from the United Kingdom, including the recent £100m defense support package.

The parties discussed the situation at the front in detail:

"Russia will continue to try to occupy the entire Donbas. The invaders made several attempts to surround Avdiivka, but each time, our soldiers stopped them and pushed them back, causing painful losses. In these attempts, the enemy lost at least a brigade," said Zelensky.

The Ukrainian president and British prime minister discussed further defense cooperation, namely strengthening the Ukrainian air defense systems with missiles and means to combat drones.

Volodymyr Zelensky informed Rishi Sunak about the Black Sea situation and Russia's actions that pose a danger to civilian shipping.

According to Zelensky, the "grain corridor" will continue to function despite all the threats. The parties discussed introducing civil ship insurance.

The leaders also shared assessments of the situation in the Middle East and agreed that stopping the escalation of the conflict would be in the interests of the world community.

The parties also coordinated positions on international platforms and preserving international support for Ukraine.

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