11:27 27 Oct 2023

Russian attacks target nine Ukrainian regions in a single day

In the past day, nine regions of Ukraine were attacked by Russian troops, Rubryka reports, referring to statements of regional military administrations about the situation on Friday.

Russian forces shelled the northern Chernihiv region from an AGS-type grenade launcher; 20 explosions were recorded in the Horodnya community.

At night, the Russians shelled the northern Sumy region with barrel artillery. The strike was launched at the territory of the Krasnopillia community. The Russian invaders hit the Velika Pysarivka community with artillery, killing a boy born in 2007.

In the southeastern Zaporizhzhia region, Russian troops attacked 19 settlements in the past day, hitting them with a total of 133 strikes.

20 drones attacked Huliaipole, Novodarivka, Charivne Bilohiria, Mala Tokmachka and Mali Shcherbaky. Biloghirya and Mala Tokmachka were hit six times by the rocket launching systems.

107 Russian artillery strikes were also recorded on the territory of the front-line towns and villages of the region. Among them are Novoandriivka, Malynyvka, Novodanilivka, Levadne, Poltavka, Robotyne, Kamianske, Piatikhatky, Lobkovo, Plavni and Prymorske.

In the central Dnipropetrovsk region, the Russian army attacked the Nikopol district four times, firing 20 shells from heavy artillery. The Pokrovsk and Marhanets communities also suffered from enemy fire. A private house, a car, and a power line were damaged. The survey of the territory is ongoing. 

In the northeastern Kharkiv region, the Russian army launched a missile attack on Izium at night, using the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system. A direct hit damaged the building of the fire and rescue unit, and eight employees of the State Emergency Service who were on duty were injured. Four victims were hospitalized. 13 pieces of equipment were damaged.

In the eastern Luhansk region, the Russian army hits Nevske and nearby villages every day. It does not stop opening fire in the direction of Bilohorivka. In the past day, the invaders carried out 135 rounds of shelling of the Luhansk region, firing 552 shells.

In the eastern Donetsk region, Russian troops attacked settlements six times: Avdiivka, Orlivka, and Predtechine. For strikes, the Russians used aviation (the type of missiles was not established) and artillery. Russian shelling injured one person and damaged seven residential buildings.

The southern Mykolaiv region was attacked by the Russian forces at night with Shahed 131/136 drones. Two drones were destroyed by anti-aircraft defense. Outside the city of Voznesensk, there was a hit, which caused a fire. The fire was contained, and there were no casualties.

The Russians shelled the southern Kherson region 114 times, firing 500 shells. They hit Kherson nine times, using 33 shells. At night, air defense downed three Russian Shahed 131/136 drones.

The Russians launched an aerial attack on Tiahynka: in the afternoon, four guided air bombs were dropped on the town, one of which fell near a local cafe. A 59-year-old man died of his injuries on the spot.

On Thursday, the Russians struck the Korabelnyi district of Kherson. A 40-year-old law enforcement officer was injured by the drone attack. The man sustained minor injuries and was taken to a medical facility, where he received the necessary assistance.


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