Ukraine's air defense still hasn't mastered downing them all, while the southern Kherson region suffers from the bomb attacks daily, says Yurii Ihnat, the Air Force spokesman.
A sufficient number of long-range air defense systems can counteract Russian-guided bombs, such as Patriot or SAMP/T missile systems.
They could provide range control up to 100 kilometers in the occupied territories from which strikes are launched. However, the "best option" for Ukraine's Air Force would be the systematic use of American-made F-16 warplanes.
Currently, Ukraine does not have the necessary tools for protection that could affect the use of Russian bombs.
The Ukrainian military is trying to shoot them down with electronic warfare but faces the problem of a high-speed massive weapon.
From the launch site to its final arrival is about 70 kilometers. Enemy aircraft for dropping bombs do not fly close to the contact line because they can expect the Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile system there.
The Russians launch aerial bombs from a distance of 50 kilometers, then the bomb can fly deep into Ukraine for 20-30 kilometers.
Russian forces significantly increased the number of bombs dropped from two to several dozen per day.
Over the past combat day, 38 guided aerial bombs were launched, which the enemy sent to the settlements of the right-bank Kherson region. This is again the destruction of civilian structure, agricultural infrastructure, said the spokesperson for the South Force Group Nataliia Humeniuk.
The ISW report said Russian forces may be diversifying the mix of missiles, guided bombs, and drones used in strikes on Ukrainian rear areas, likely in an attempt to find gaps in Ukrainian air defenses ahead of further strikes over the winter.
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