Poland trains sapper dogs to send them to Ukraine for demining

Polish border guards have launched a course under the EU program to provide search dogs to Ukrainian forces for further demining of liberated territories. 

What is the problem?

Ukraine is the most mined country in the world, as over 174,000 square kilometers of the territory are potentially contaminated with explosive devices.

Humanitarian demining is one of the most critical issues for Ukraine. This is an opportunity to save lives, protect the population's safety, and restore the economy.

What is the solution?

Being reliable fur friends, dogs have been great sapper assistants to Ukrainian specialists.

They also help in the fight by participating in demining, patrolling the streets, detecting spies, defending checkpoints, evacuating people from hot spots, and collecting humanitarian aid.

Polish border guards started the training on October 26, funded by the EU program to send sapper dogs to Ukrainian troops.

How does it work?

The importance of this course is obvious. Dogs trained in EU countries are very effective at work. Nine dogs will be transferred within this course, said Head of the Cynological Service Petro Bruzhyna.

Polish border guards prepare to send shepherds, particularly Belgian Malinois. This course will last two weeks.

The head of the cynological service said that to this day, Ukrainian forces had received nine well-trained dogs from allying states.

The EU should transfer 50 trained sapper dogs, which will be sent to all services within Ukrainian defense institutions.

The presence of a large number of trained sapper dogs, the proper training of which lasts at least a year, helps to quickly clear the liberated territories of Ukraine.

Howard Buffett's Charitable Foundation sent 11 service dogs to the Canine Center of the Kyiv Region Police, who will help search for explosives and other operations.

Recently, Rubryka shared the story of the service dogs rescue, which were evacuated from the Luhansk region by guards-canine experts from the temporarily occupied Rubizhne.

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