British intelligence: North Korean weapons likely reached western Russia, contrary to Moscow’s denials

The North Korean ammunition has most likely been delivered to Russian military warehouses and is being used by Russian troops at the front in the war against Ukraine.

The UK Ministry of Defense says North Korean munitions almost certainly have already reached ammunition depots in western Russia despite Moscow's official denials of recent reports of receiving weapons from the DPRK, Rubryka reports.

"These depots support Russian military operations in Ukraine," British intelligence says.

The British defense ministry predicts that if North Korea maintains the recent scale and pace of military supplies to Russia — more than a thousand containers in the last few weeks — then it will become "one of the most significant" foreign arms suppliers to the Kremlin, along with Iran and Belarus.

At the same time, it is still unclear what Russia agreed to provide North Korea with weapons in return.

"It is unlikely the full package has been finalized; it was highly likely one of the primary discussion topics during recent senior-level Russian visits to North Korea," the British say.

Western intelligence has suggested that Moscow's payment could include a combination of financial compensation and other economic support, providing Pyongyang with military technology and cooperation in "high technology areas, such as space."


In mid-September, the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, and the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin met in the Russian Federation to discuss military cooperation. Before that, Western media reported on North Korea's intentions to send artillery stocks and weapons to Russia in exchange for technology.

The Economist claims that Pyongyang has supplied Moscow with artillery ammunition and Katyusha missiles for most of the year.

Previously, the strategic communications coordinator of the US National Security Council in the White House, John Kirby, said that North Korea provided Russia with one thousand containers of military equipment and ammunition for the war against Ukraine.

Recently, the head of the intelligence center of the Estonian Defense Forces, Colonel Ants Kiviselg, said that North Korea could transfer 300,000 to 350,000 artillery ammunition to Russia, and this amount would be enough for Moscow for about a month of "medium-intensity" hostilities in Ukraine.

The US, Japan, and South Korea have already confirmed and condemned the supply of weapons from the DPRK to Russia.

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