What is the problem?
Russia's war crimes against Ukraine include ecological damage to hundreds of species. The blowing up of the Kakhovka dam is one of the largest ecocides committed during the war. All the fish, which is 11.4 thousand tons, died during the first days.
Over 160,000 birds and over 20,000 wild animals are at risk of death due to the catastrophe.
Russia causes damage to the Ukrainian environment, destroying biodiversity and causing animals to suffer. As many as 50,000 dolphins have already died in the Black Sea due to the use of Russian warships, with the marine animals hitting mines.
What is the solution?
The minister Krasnolutsky says the flora and fauna are already being restored. Wildlife rehabilitation centers are being built in Ukraine's west.
A rehabilitation center for animals is planned to be established in the Cheremosky National Nature Park.
How does it work?
Wild animals will be nursed back to health and released into their natural habitat. The park will be equipped with enclosures for animals, and employees will be trained to take care of them.
The rehabilitation center is not a zoo, so the enclosures will be located away from humans, and the conditions here will be as close to nature as possible.
The center will be set up in western Bukovyna as part of the project "Ukraine – Cheremosky National Nature Park: Creation of a Pilot Animal Rehabilitation Center" implemented by the Rominta Forest Foundation.
Bukovyna experts have already traveled to Poland to learn from the experience of their colleagues there. They saw how rehabilitation programs for animals work in the Pozierzia Iławskie Landscape Park and at the state forestry in Olsztynek.
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