
Avdiivka may turn into complete ruins in a few weeks – city authorities

Russian troops are continuously shelling Avdiivka, the western Donetsk region.

At such rates, the city may be completely destroyed like Maryinka — another town in the Donetsk region destroyed by the Russian occupiers — in 2 to 3 weeks, the head of the city military administration, Vitalii Barabash, said this in a comment to Ukrainian Radio, Rubryka reports.

"This escalation, which began for us on October 10, added even more destruction. Dozens of high-rise buildings were completely destroyed during this time. Some of them were hit by two rockets. Anti-aircraft missiles destroyed some houses," he said. "The city is really crumbling not by days but by hours. And looking at these destructions, you understand that at this rate of shelling, Avdiivka will turn into Maryinka in 2-3 weeks. Everything will be ruined to the ground." 

According to his officials, 1,599 locals currently live in Avdiivka. For the most part, people survive at the expense of humanitarian aid delivered to the city. At the same time, Barabash said that since the beginning of the new Russian offensive, the import of humanitarian aid had been stopped. The current reserves are still sufficient.

Some products need to be brought in more often, Barabash said and added that the day before, for the first time in two weeks of intensifying Russian shelling, it was possible to bring bread to Avdiivka.

"It's very dangerous, but bread has come to town," he said.

Also, the evacuation does not stop, he added.

"Yesterday (October 24), we stopped it because there was a lot of shelling right on the road. I hope that today (October 25), we will still evacuate the people who were scheduled for evacuation. But we will look at security," Barabash added, stressing that "it is definitely crucial to leave, no matter what because life is the most important thing."

Situation near Avdiivka

After the so-called "lull," a new escalation is recorded in Avdiivka: the Russian forces do not stop trying to capture the city.

Because of the change on the front line around Avdiiivka, the supply of humanitarian aid to the city is currently suspended, but the reserves will last for three months.

Locals continue to evacuate the city in small groups, often under fire. For example, law enforcement officers were recently hit by cluster munitions in the Avdiiivka area. The Russians hit them with the Uragan multiple rocket launchers.

According to ISW military analysts, the first Russian offensive operation in the Avdiivka area on October 10 resulted in significant losses of Russian equipment. However, the Russian troops regrouped and started the offensive again.

On October 19, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, met with the command of the Ukrainian forces fighting with Russian troops in the Avdiivka area and discussed the next actions.

British intelligence reports that active assaults by Russian forces in the Avdiivka area have led to a 90% increase in losses in the Russian army in the war against Ukraine.

The Russian occupiers are also trying to cut off the road to Avdiivka, making evacuation and delivery of humanitarian aid difficult.

Avdiivka is the gateway to Donetsk and the entire Donetsk region. Despite the difficulties, the Ukrainian soldiers inflicted heavy losses on Russian troops and equipment.

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