Solutions to win: Ukrainian inventors develop new kamikaze robot for Ukrainian forces

The Ukrainian development cluster for military technologies, Brave1, has created a new ground-based kamikaze robot, Ratel S, allowing soldiers to hit enemy targets safely.

Rubryka reports, referring to the statement of Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov.

What is the problem?

Ukrainian kamikaze drones successfully destroyed Russian equipment and troops at the front line. Soldiers are often forced to work under enemy fire when they use stationary ground-to-air systems, but drones make their combat much more mobile and safer.

Usually, Ukrainian defenders use kamikaze drones in the air, hunting Russian equipment and troops. As the soldiers point out, not everything always goes their way because drones are susceptible to the enemy's radioelectric warfare and cannot deliver explosives to the target.

So, Ukrainian soldiers use ground weapons, like Javelins, artillery ammunition, and remote mines to destroy tanks and armored vehicles.

What is the solution?

Brave1 has created a new ground-based kamikaze robot, the Ratel S, which allows you to hit enemy targets from a safe distance.

"Fighters use it as a mobile warhead carrying anti-tank mines or a combat module. Thanks to the technology, the operator can blow up an enemy tank or dugout from a safe place," the minister said.

How does it work?

The maximum speed of the drone is 24 kilometers, and the range of use is 6 kilometers. It can work up to 2 hours without recharging.

Ratel S has successfully passed field tests and has already been put into serial production.

Kamikaze robot Ratel S. Photo: Telegram / FEDOROV


 BRAVE1 is the only coordination platform in the field of defense tech that started working in Ukraine to develop military technologies. The cluster was founded by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Security and Defense Council, the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine, and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.

One of the prototypes of unmanned underwater torpedoes was presented at the Brave1 exhibition, and several versions of such drones are currently being developed in Ukraine.

Ukraine tested the Liut (Fury) combat robot, which allows soldiers to perform tasks remotely and can save Ukrainian defenders' lives.

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