Photo: Kyiv Regional Military Administration
The Kyiv Regional Military Administration reported this.
What problem?
A shelter is an essential aspect of contemporary life. Furthermore, according to the Ministry of Education and Science's plan, the upcoming school year should begin with in-person classes for most students, but only under the condition that the school has a secure shelter.
The construction of an anti-radiation shelter will allow the creation of appropriate conditions for the organization of a safe, educational process for all students simultaneously.
Photo: Kyiv Regional Military Administration
What is the solution?
More than 400 students study at the Fursiv Lyceum. The institution has five inclusive classes, so the lyceum has installed ramps and equipped a resource room.
Currently, the most straightforward shelter functions on the educational institution's territory and can accommodate up to 50 people simultaneously. The educational process is organized in shifts.
Photo: Kyiv Regional Military Administration
How does it work?
Construction has already started. So far, preparatory work has been completed; mainly, the pit has been prepared, and concrete preparation has been carried out. Work on the construction of the monolithic foundation is ongoing. The work will be completed by the end of the year.
Photo: Kyiv Regional Military Administration
Photo: Kyiv Regional Military Administration
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