Photo: Ministry of Health of Ukraine
The Ministry of Health reported this.
What is the problem?
As noted by the Minister of Health Viktor Liashko, timely and modern visual diagnostics using a CT scanner is a necessary component of examining many patients with a wide range of pathological conditions, from cardiovascular diseases to injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
The patient's health and future treatment effectiveness depend on a timely, detailed diagnosis.
What is the solution?
Six modern computed tomography (CT) scanners, purchased as part of cooperation between the Ministry of Health and the World Bank, were delivered to Ukrainian hospitals.
Photo: Ministry of Health
How does it work?
These are two Revolution Maxima 55 tomographs and four Optima CT520 scanners manufactured by the American company General Electric Health Care.
The equipment was delivered to the following institutions:
As noted by the Minister of Health Viktor Liashko, timely and modern visual diagnostics using computer tomography is a necessary component of examining many patients with a wide range of pathological conditions, from cardiovascular diseases to injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
According to the minister, since the health of the patient and the effectiveness of future treatment depend on timely detailed diagnosis, even in the conditions of a full-scale war, the Ministry of Health, with the support of international partners, continues to work on providing medical institutions with critical equipment.
"Modern, high-quality medicine is impossible without this. We aim to ensure quality, availability, and free medical care for every Ukrainian, no matter where they live," Liashko emphasized.
The Ministry of Health emphasized that with modern computer tomography, doctors will be able to use the latest diagnostic methods, and patients will receive the highest level of medical care.
By the end of this year, it is planned to deliver ten more computer tomography devices to healthcare institutions in Ukraine.
It is planned to complete the implementation of the agreement between the Ministry of Health and General Electric Health Care by the end of March 2024.
For reference:
As part of the cooperation between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the World Bank, 24 computer tomographs have already been purchased.
As reported, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is accelerating the implementation of the Law "On Medicinal Products."
It was also reported that new standards for treating burns, which are based on the experience of Europe and North America, were introduced by the Ministry of Health; however, with the improvement of the quality of treatment, the price of services will also increase.
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