Ukraine is transforming higher education to meet European standards – information minister

Ukraine is on the brink of significant changes in its higher education system. Students will enjoy increased autonomy and be able to select their preferred coursework. Additionally, students can switch to a different major after completing 1-2 years of study.

The main changes in higher education were described by the head of the Ministry of Information, Mykhailo Fedorov.

According to him, Ukrainian education is approaching European standards.

After all, students will be able to:

  • choose subjects independently,
  • change specialty after the first two years of study,
  • decide how much they should study.

Therefore, Ukrainian students who enroll under a contract for education can adjust the terms of their education.

It is possible to expedite the completion of a bachelor's degree by enrolling in a 3-year program, as opposed to the standard 4-year program. Conversely, one may also opt to extend their studies over six years.

This innovation will allow working students to create a convenient schedule or pay attention to specific subjects.

Also, students can choose a specific specialty after entering a particular field and studying general subjects for 1-2 years.

"Choosing a major after the first or second year. At the age of 17, it is super difficult to choose a profession for life. Therefore, we give students more time and opportunities to decide. You enter a certain field, study general subjects for 1-2 years, then choose a specialty you like,"- said Fedorov.

In addition, distance learning is proposed to replace correspondence and evening forms of education.

According to Fedorov, the correspondence form is a Soviet rudiment of education. Instead, the remote form proved more effective than "buying diplomas and education "for a tick."

For reference:

It should be noted that a bill was registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine [Ukraine's parliament – ed.], which proposes abolishing correspondence and evening education forms in Ukrainian universities.

It was also reported that the project "Digital University – Open Ukrainian Initiative" (DigiUni) was presented by Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

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