Solutions to win: Ukrainian forces customize P-18 electronic warfare station to down Russian drones

Ukraine's National Association of Defense customized the P-18 radar system to withstand intense Russian drone attacks.

What is the problem?

EW systems are vital for Ukrainian forces during the intense use of drones on the battlefield. The military receives information about the air situation over Ukraine and recognizes detected targets, which are then destroyed by air defense.

Russian forces are constantly improving their weapons to be invisible to Ukrainian radar stations for as long as possible, so Ukrainian manufacturers need to improve their radar.

What is the solution?

The modernization of the P-18 radar was carried out by System Electronic Export company. One of its activities is developing, producing, and modernizing radar equipment.

How does it work?

The National Defense Industry Association of Ukraine said that the new version of the station is called P-18C. The ground-based mobile radar station operates in the meter-wave range.

Photo: National Association of Ukrainian Defense Industries

The P-18C is designed for automatic target detection, current coordinates (azimuth and range) determination, and automatic radar data transmission to users.

The station has a robust enclosure design and is equipped with modern life support, power supply, antenna lifting, and alignment systems. Operating modes can be controlled remotely.

Photo: National Association of Ukrainian Defense Industries

P-18C radar system. Photo: National Association of Ukrainian Defense Industries

This radar station was presented at the IDEB-2023 international exhibition in Slovakia. Ukrainian companies presented models of the Bohdana air defense system, the P-18C radar station, the KAMRAT-M armored vehicle, and the MINI SHARK UAV.

Ukraine's National Association of Defense customized the P-18 radar system to withstand intense Russian drone attacks.

What is the problem?

EW systems are vital for Ukrainian forces during the intense use of drones on the battlefield. The military receives information about the air situation over Ukraine and recognizes detected targets, which are then destroyed by air defense.

Russian forces are constantly improving their weapons to be invisible to Ukrainian radar stations for as long as possible, so Ukrainian manufacturers need to improve their radar.

What is the solution?

The modernization of the P-18 radar was carried out by System Electronic Export company. One of its activities is developing, producing, and modernizing radar equipment.

How does it work?

The National Defense Industry Association of Ukraine said that the new version of the station is called P-18C. The ground-based mobile radar station operates in the meter-wave range.

Photo: National Association of Ukrainian Defense Industries

The P-18C is designed for automatic target detection, current coordinates (azimuth and range) determination, and automatic radar data transmission to users.

The station has a robust enclosure design and is equipped with modern life support, power supply, antenna lifting, and alignment systems. Operating modes can be controlled remotely.

Photo: National Association of Ukrainian Defense Industries

P-18C radar system. Photo: National Association of Ukrainian Defense Industries

This radar station was presented at the IDEB-2023 international exhibition in Slovakia. Ukrainian companies presented models of the Bohdana air defense system, the P-18C radar station, the KAMRAT-M armored vehicle, and the MINI SHARK UAV.

Previously, Ukraine's government shortened the terms for receiving electronic warfare equipment. Approval for use will be based on a joint departmental test report or upon the examination of specified tactical and technical characteristics, the defense ministry says. 

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