EU, US call on China to push Russia into ending war in Ukraine

Members of the US-EU summit in Washington released a statement calling on China to pressure Russia to stop its war in Ukraine.

On October 20, Washington hosted a summit meeting between the US and the EU to draw attention to the situation in Ukraine and efforts to stop Russia's unprovoked aggression.

We call on China to press Russia to stop its war of aggression, and immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw its troops from Ukraine.

We encourage China to support a comprehensive, just and lasting peace based on territorial integrity and the principles and purposes of the UN Charter, including through its direct dialogue with Ukraine.

Both sides also expressed their readiness to build constructive and stable relations with China, directly expressing its leadership's concerns about its domestic and foreign policy.

EU-US confirmed their readiness to achieve full responsibility of Russia for its full-scale aggression against Ukraine.

We will deepen our joint work to undermine Russia's ability to wage its war, and maintain
and expand its defense industrial base and capacity. Those who help Russia acquire items or equipment for its defense industrial base are supporting actions which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of Ukraine. We will target third-country actors who materially support Russia's war.

Previously, China and Russia signed a contract for grain supplies worth about $25.7 billion, so over the next 12 years, Moscow is to ship 70 million tons of cargo to Beijing.

Thanks to the Trans-Baikal Grain Terminal, the new initiative will increase Russian grain exports to China to 8 million tons, which is planned to be increased to 16 million tons in the future through the construction of new infrastructure.

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