The National Resistance Center reports this.
"The Russians are planning to hold an "international youth forum" in which "volunteers" from the temporarily occupied territories are to participate," the report says.
The event is aimed at strengthening propaganda and simulating the support of the international community for the barbaric policies of the Putin regime on the eve of the so-called "elections" in the Russian Federation. Students from North Korea, China, Belarus, and other countries loyal to the Putin regime will be brought there beforehand.
However, the largest number of participants will be from the Russian Federation and temporarily occupied territories (TOT). A recruitment center for TOT "volunteers" has been opened in Melitopol (Zaporizhzhia region), but, according to information from the underground, there are not many willing. Because of this, the occupation administration demanded that local "universities" provide lists of "volunteers" in the best traditions of the Kremlin.
For reference:
It is worth mentioning that the occupiers have been implementing filtering measures lately by checking students' phones for any Ukrainian apps. As per the Central Bureau of Statistics, the occupiers are giving away Ukrainian-owned homes to collaborators.
In addition, the Russian military seizes satellite television sets from residents of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. In this way, the enemy blocks access to the truth to increase the information blockade of the region and immerse local residents in the mire of Russian propaganda.
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