Фото: скриншот з відео UNITED24
The following campaign was posted on the UNITED24 fundraising platform.
What is the problem?
A type-C ambulance is a specialized vehicle designed and equipped to transport, provide advanced medical care, and monitor the condition of patients in serious or critical condition.
It is designed to provide the highest possible safety and comfort during patient transportation. The ambulance is equipped with high-tech medical equipment that is certified for use in ambulances.
Ukraine needs these vehicles severely, as they ensure the transportation of the sick and wounded to hospitals.
What is the solution?
Wargaming, a game developer with over 200 million users worldwide, has launched a charity project to support Ukraine and purchase ambulances.
How does it work?
The developers added unique Ukrainian-themed sets to six games. The company will use all profits from selling this content through United24 to purchase specialized C-type ambulances.
Photo: Wargaming
Photo: Wargaming
Photo: Wargaming
By purchasing customised Ukrainian kits, players receive valuable in-game items and, at the same time, help save thousands of lives, the developers state.
The initiative lasts from 18 October to 1 November. Currently, the players have already purchased 12,000 kits.
This is not the first time Wargaming has supported Ukraine. Previously, the game developer donated money for medical needs and support for the victims of the Kakhovka dam explosion.
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