By grouping Israel funding with Ukraine, border security, refugee assistance, measures to counter China, and other hotly debated priorities, Biden is hoping he has created a must-pass national security spending bill that can win support in a chaotic House of Representatives.
Part of the funds will be used for additional weapons and equipment to help Ukraine succeed on the battlefield and replenish the US Department of Defense's stockpile of supplies spent supporting Ukrainians.
Against this backdrop, the US Senate agreed on an alternative draft short-term budget resolution that provides over $6.1 billion in additional assistance to Ukraine, including $4.5 billion for defense spending and more than $1.6 billion for economic support.
Before the vote, the White House expressed confidence that Congress could support additional funding for Ukraine's defense needs despite the situation with McCarthy's removal from office.
The Republican Party has nominated Congressman Jim Jordan, who supports Donald Trump and opposes military support for Ukraine in the war with Russia, for the Speaker of the US House post.
On the evening of October 19, Biden asked Americans to support Ukraine's war with Russia and Israel in repelling Hamas attacks. The American leader emphasized that support for Ukraine and Israel is "vital to America's national security."
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