Solutions to win: Mykolaiv sappers receive underwater drones for demining funded by international donors

Ukrainian sappers from southern Mykolaiv received modern equipment to carry out underwater demining safely.

What is the problem?

The southern Mykolaiv region suffered exhausting Russian hostilities. Soon after the liberation, many citizens faced the issue of mined lands and towns plunged into landmines.

Ukrainian sappers must complete a large task to clear all lands from contamination, which will last for years. As in many areas with a shortage of human hands and the work involves danger, demining requires modern technology.

We all understand that underwater work has its own specifics. As of today, the underwater demining team has surveyed almost 25 hectares of underwater area within our region, found and destroyed 136 units of ammunition in accordance with the established procedure, said Mykolaiv rescuers' head Mykola Panasenko.

What is the solution?

The assistance was provided with the support of the EU and the UN Development Program (UNDP) in Ukraine. The sappers received modern equipment for underwater demining.

How does it work?

Foreign donors helped the diving unit of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine to equip a Vallon VMW1_Underwater metal detector and a remote-controlled underwater vehicle (ROV/drone).

Photo: Ukraine's SES

The metal detector detects mines, improvised explosive devices, and unexploded ordnance.  The drone can reach a depth of up to 30 meters.

Photo: Ukraine's SES

The underwater vehicle is intended for mine surveying and inspection of underwater communications and structures.

This equipment will make it easier for sapper divers to carry out the relevant work, so the process of demining the underwater area will be faster. I am confident that by working together and in close cooperation we will be able to overcome this difficult time for our country, we will definitely win and return security both on land and on water, Panasenko emphasized.

Photo: Ukraine's SES

Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko said on March 1 that nearly one-third of Ukraine's territory had been mined since the start of the full-scale war.

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal says 250 people have been killed by mines in Ukraine since the start of the full-scale war, and over 500 have been injured or maimed.

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