The official Bring Kids Back UA action plan website aims to inform the international community about the issue of Russia deporting Ukrainian kids, provide up-to-date statistics, and share stories of children who have been returned to Ukraine.
What is the problem?
Since the beginning of the all-out, Russia has been deporting Ukrainian children from the occupied territories en mass. They are being taken to Crimea, Russia, or Belarus, allegedly for "rehabilitation" or to rest in camps.
As of October 18, 19,546 children have been deported to Russia and the occupied territories, and 386 children have been returned to Ukraine so far.
The Ukrainian authorities have so far recorded the presence of our children abducted by Russia in 57 regions of Russia.
On July 31, Maria Lvova-Belova, the Kremlin-appointed Commissioner for Children's Rights, confirmed that the occupiers had taken about 4.8 million Ukrainians to Russia since the beginning of the war. Among them were more than 700,000 children who allegedly had no parents.
The Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets, also reported that the Russian Federation has already adopted 386 Ukrainian children who were illegally taken from the temporarily occupied territories by the occupiers.
Ukraine's authorities have recorded the presence of Ukrainian children abducted by Russia in 57 regions. The Children's Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets says 386 children were adopted and put in various Russian families.
What is the solution?
The Bring Back Kids UA movement aims to unite the world to return to their homeland children who were forcibly removed by Russia from the temporarily occupied territories.
How does it work?
The Bring Kids Back UA project is a comprehensive action plan commissioned by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. It unites the efforts of all Ukrainian authorities, other nations, and international organizations to bring home all Ukrainian children unlawfully deported by Russia.
The Bring Kids Back UA plan includes the return of Ukrainian children, the development of family-based forms of education, the reintegration of children, the organization of their socialization and educational initiatives, the Child Rights Protection Center, recording crimes and bringing Russia to justice, etc.
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