
Solutions to win: Ukraine to include drone operation courses in school curriculum

Ukraine's school curriculum will now include lessons on how to operate drones, ArmyInform reported, citing Ukraine's Education and Science Ministry.

What is the problem?

The Ministry of Education launched a pilot project of the updated "Defense of Ukraine" discipline that will include "more practice, relevant knowledge and skills."

For the pilot project to be successful, international and non-governmental organizations with experience in adult education are involved. Teachers are taught how to fly FPV drones, navigate the terrain, provide first aid, and prevent injuries.

Photo: armyinform

What is the solution?

Major General Oleksandr Nesterenko said that such a project to provide and train teachers of the FPV UAVs with drones was launched with Ukrainian partners.

Several schools received drones, and school representatives took a two-day course from a military instructor and learned the basics of this modern technology. Thanks to our partners, we plan to involve a number of other educational institutions. I thank the teachers, instructors, and partners for implementing this sustainable project, says Oleksandr Nesterenko.

How does it work?

Each student will have basic skills and will be able to consciously choose a military or civilian specialty in the management, production, design, or modernization of drones.

Photo: armyinform

The life of a Ukrainian soldier is always the most important thing, so the number of drones in units and subunits is constantly increasing. Today, drones are successfully conducting reconnaissance, destroying the enemy, and even rescuing our wounded comrades from the battlefield. So, there will soon be more proficient specialists in these machines.

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