"According to the updated report, 23 Ukrainian nationals were killed by Hamas as a result of the attack on Israel. This is the second only to USA number of foreigners killed in the attack," said Brodsky in the post.
What we know about Ukrainians in Israel
Rubryka reported that two Ukrainian women were killed after Hamas terrorists attacked Israel from the Gaza Strip.
On October 11, Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that three citizens died due to hostilities. The foreign ministry added that about 700 Ukrainians could not leave Israel due to canceled flights, and 170 citizens would like to evacuate from the Gaza Strip.
Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel Yevhen Korniichuk also reported that the Ukrainian Embassy organized the first evacuation flight for its citizens who remained in Israel.
Ukrainian diplomats also managed to evacuate a minor boy from the city of Sderot. He was injured in an attack by Hamas militants.
On October 14, the first evacuation plane with Ukrainians on board took off from Tel Aviv to Bucharest. There were 207 citizens of Ukraine on board, including 63 children.
On October 16, a second evacuation flight with 155 citizens, including 107 women and 23 children, departed from Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv on a HiSky flight to the Romanian city of Cluj.
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