
Ivano-Frankivsk region to construct housing for 250 IDPs

The city of Kalush in the Ivano-Frankivsk region plans to construct social housing for internally displaced persons by renovating communal areas.

Rubryka explains the workings of this solution, with a reference to the mayor of Kalush, Andrii Naida.

What is the problem?

The war brought destruction to the Ukrainian land. Many people were left without proper living conditions and a roof over their heads.

"Understanding the global nature of the problem, we are actively working to support internally displaced persons from the very beginning of the full-scale invasion; we are trying to provide these citizens with the most necessary – housing," Andrii Naida notes.

However, the community cannot handle this task single-handedly, as it is a formidable undertaking that requires significant financial resources. As a result, they actively collaborate with empathetic individuals – donors, benefactors, and charitable organizations, including those at an international level.

What is the solution?

There are multiple shared facilities within the neighborhood that are presently not in use but could potentially function as fully functional residences for those in need.

During a meeting with representatives of the international organization Habitat for Humanity, the community leadership discussed the possibilities of renovating the non-working premises of the "Zirochka" kindergarten and arranging it for housing for IDPs. 250 people could live here.

How does it work?

We are discussing fully established residential units, where the inhabitants will have direct accountability for their living condition, such as assuming responsibility for paying utility bills. Should this plan be realized, the community will handle the project details, installation of infrastructure such as plumbing and electricity, and all other tasks typically handled by donors.

This social project aims to help IDPs integrate into the community, find employment, and become self-sufficient, as state support is not permanent.

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