11:09 16 Oct 2023

Ukrainian human rights group launches English-language website to document Russian war crimes in Mariupol

Yulia Fedosiuk, the deputy head of the Association of Azovstal Defenders' Families, launched an English-language website monitoring war crimes committed by Russia in the occupied city of Mariupol and the mistreatment of prisoners of war, Rubryka reports.

What is the problem?

On the morning of February 24, 2022, Mariupol was among the first cities to be attacked by the Russian forces in their invasion of Ukraine. As an important port, it immediately became a priority target for Russian troops.

During the first three months of hostilities, the city became the epicenter of numerous crimes by the Russian occupiers against both civilians and the Ukrainian military.

While the Ukrainian soldiers were heroically defending Azovstal Steelworks, the city's biggest metallurgical plant, the Russian forces were completely destroying Mariupol, killing tens of thousands of people and capturing thousands.

What is the solution?

A newly created website chronicles the crimes of the Russian army during the battles for Mariupol and the crimes committed by Russians against Ukrainian soldiers in captivity.

The research used only publicly verified information from English-language sources, including official statements from Ukrainian authorities, authoritative mass media, and international human rights and humanitarian organizations.

How does it work?

The website presents well-known photos and videos chronicling the defense of Mariupol, testimonies of released soldiers and residents of Mariupol, and reports from famous Western media.

The list of crimes on the website is still incomplete, as Ukraine and the international community cannot access occupied Mariupol, making investigation impossible.

The Association of Families of Azovstal Defenders receives much information from the soldiers and civilians released from Russian captivity, including kidnapped children. The website will be constantly updated with up-to-date information.


To speed up the return of captured Ukrainian soldiers who fought for Mariupol home, the relatives of the soldiers united in a single team — the Association of Azovstal Defenders' Families. The organization started working on June 1, 2022.

Rubryka reported that "20 Days in Mariupol," about the first days of the Russian invasion of the city, became the highest-grossing documentary film in the Ukrainian box office. "20 Days in Mariupol" is a film by war correspondent, photographer, videographer, and writer Mstislav Chernov. Photographer Yevhen Maloletka and producer and journalist Vasylisa Stepanenko also contributed to creating the film.

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