14:59 16 Oct 2023

Russia has killed dozens and wounded hundreds of civilians in one week – Ukraine's General Staff

During the week, the Russian army carried out 21 missile and 432 air strikes on Ukraine. Also, it carried out 386 attacks from rocket salvo systems on the positions of Ukraine's armed forces and civil infrastructure objects. As a result of these attacks, almost 30 civilians were killed.

Andriy Kovalev, spokesman of the General Staff, said this on the telethon "Edyni Novyny."

In particular, he noted that the Russian occupiers continue to ignore the laws and customs of warfare, use terror tactics, and fire not only military personnel but also civilian objects.

"Unfortunately, there are dead and wounded among the civilian population. First of all, children. The main terrorist tactic of the Russian occupiers is to carry out massive combined missile and air strikes on the territory of Ukraine with the aim of exhausting air defense systems destroying energy facilities and ports of Ukraine. During the past week, the enemy launched 21 rockets, and 432 air strikes carried out 386 attacks from rocket salvo systems on the positions of our troops and civilian infrastructure objects. In addition, the occupiers launched rocket strikes on Zaporizhzhia, Pokrovsk, and Bohodary, resulting in civilians being killed and injured ", Kovalev said.

The spokesman said:

"As a result of such cynical attacks, almost 30 of our compatriots, including one child, were killed, and more than a hundred civilians, including three children, were injured."

Kovalev informed that the Air Defense of the Defense Forces of Ukraine during the week destroyed 55 of 69 enemy attack drones of the "Shakhed 136/131" type and emphasized that "the probability of launching missile and air strikes throughout the territory of Ukraine remains high."

For reference:

On the night of October 16, Russian troops launched a combined attack using strike drones and missiles in several regions of Ukraine, and an air alert was still declared in some areas.

During the alarm, explosions were reported in Dnipro, in the Kirovohrad region, and the Poltava region.

Three locals, including a child, were injured during the shelling of the Poltava region last night.

All night, the enemy terrorized the Kirovohrad region with rockets and drones. Air defense was working. However, there was a hit, and one person was wounded.

In addition, the sounds of explosions were heard in the Khmelnytskyi region. Air defense forces were active in the region. There was no destruction and no casualties, Serhii Tiurin, the first deputy chief of the Military Police, reported, as quoted by the press service of the regional military administration.

The General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces reported that the enemy used attack UAVs, as well as Kh-59 cruise missiles and Iskander-M ballistic missiles during the attack.

According to reports, during the night of October 16, the Dnipropetrovsk region was struck by rockets from Russian invaders, resulting in a hit. Additionally, a series of explosions could be heard in Dnipro.

It should be noted that one missile was shot down by Ukrainian military personnel from the Eastern Air Command.

It is reported that the second rocket hit the territory of the Dnipro district of the region.

In addition, at night, the enemy hit the Nikopol district using heavy artillery and "Grad" MLRS.

During the night attack on Ukraine, air defense shot down 11 Russian kamikaze drones and two Kh-59 missiles. At the same time, the Russian Federation launched an Iskander missile, 12 UAVs, and five Kh-59 missiles over Ukraine.

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