US Special Representative Pritzker arrives in Kyiv for economic recovery talks

On Friday, the US Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery, Penny Pritzker, arrived in Kyiv. 

US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink posted a joint photo with Pritzker at the Kyiv railway station on X, former Twitter, Rubryka reports.

"A very warm welcome back to Kyiv, Secretary Pritzker!" she said.

Pritzker's first visit as US special representative

The current visit to the Ukrainian capital is the first for Pritzker since her appointment to the post of special representative for Ukraine's economic recovery in September.

The new position showed that the Biden administration was concerned about the long-term economic survival of Ukraine despite the ongoing war with Russia.

In his statement, President Biden said that Pritzker would "drive the United States' efforts to help rebuild the Ukrainian economy," working with the government of Ukraine, US allies, international financial institutions, and the private sector.

"As an accomplished public servant, former Secretary of Commerce, and transformative industry leader — with deep familial ties to Ukraine — Special Representative Pritzker brings decades of experience and expertise to this critical position," the US president said.

Penny Pritzker is an American billionaire and public figure from the famous American Pritzker family, descended from a Jewish immigrant from Kyiv. She is the founder of several large companies, was the US Secretary of Commerce until 2017, and is on the Forbes list of the richest people in the US and the most powerful women in the world.

Pritzker, 64, will promote investment strategies in Ukraine and attract public and private investment from other countries and work with the Ukrainian government, the G7, the EU, international financial institutions, international partners, and the American private sector "to help create Ukraine's future as a prosperous, secure European democracy," the US Department of State said.

The special representative will lead efforts to shape donor priorities through the coordination platform to align them with Ukraine's needs and encourage international partners to increase their support for Ukraine. Pritzker will also cooperate with the government of Ukraine on reforms.

The American official had previously met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in New York. In late September, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal spoke with Pritzker about the involvement of American business in the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Earlier, the US special representative said that US private companies would like to start investing in Ukraine, but the country must carry out reforms in accountability and transparency.

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