What is the problem?
Residents of large cities spend an average of 46% more time moving around to work due to traffic jams, and the travel time increases significantly during rush hour.
The situation in Lviv is no better, as most citizens complain about traffic jams. The mayor's office explains the city is not designed for so many vehicles, being a packed-up historical place.
During the war, thousands of Ukrainians took refuge here, which added a certain number of cars. The traffic is also complicated by repair work and overcrowded parking lots.
What is the solution?
One way to solve the traffic problem in a city is to build interceptor parking lots at the entrance to Lviv. They not only relieve traffic but also positively impact the development of public transport.
Authorities have already presented seven possible spots to organize these parking lots, convenient for all drivers.
How does it work?
Intercept parking lots are built at the city entrances and connected to public transportation routes. Such parking lots help to relieve the city's transportation system of cars, and improve the city's environment.
Lviv deputies instructed the Department of Mobility and Street Infrastructure to develop a concept for creating interceptor parking lots.
Lviv plans to set up interceptor parking lots at every main entrance to the city. The first such parking lot was due to be open in 2022.
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