Japan offers Ukraine digital healthcare and AI farming technologies

To help Ukraine revive its economy and restore territories destroyed by Russian aggression, Japan plans to provide the country with remote medical care services and smart farming technologies, Kyodo reports, citing government sources.

What is the problem?

Ukraine is one of the most mined countries in the world. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about 30% of the territory — more than 174,000 sq km — which includes both private areas and critical infrastructure, water bodies, forests, and fields, are mined.

Clearing the land quickly will not be possible as it requires hundreds of special equipment and thousands of demining specialists. To remedy the losses to its farming, Ukraine needs to develop its economy, particularly the agricultural sector.

Ukrainian healthcare also requires support as thousands of Ukrainians, particularly soldiers, were seriously injured in hostilities. They need treatment and rehabilitation in specialized institutions, which the country does not have in sufficient numbers.

What is the solution?

Japan plans to provide remote medical services and smart farming technologies to Ukraine.

Such measures will "support cooperation" between Japanese and Ukrainian companies and will be announced in Japan at the beginning of next year.

How does it work?

"The provision of digital medical services will allow Japanese doctors to provide medical assistance to victims in Ukraine by sending their ultrasound images to Japan," the publication said.

Japan also plans to help Ukraine improve wheat and sunflower yields through farming methods that use sensors and artificial intelligence technologies.

They will provide the optimal amount of water or fertilizers for the fields. Among other measures to support Ukraine, Japan is considering providing water treatment and cyber technologies.

On September 9, for the first time since the beginning of Russia's full-scale war, Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi arrived in Ukraine with an unannounced visit to demonstrate support for Kyiv.

During a meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, Yoshimasa noted that Japan had shown interest in establishing long-term cooperation with Ukraine, allocating macro-financial assistance worth $2.1 billion.

The eastern country also plans to hand over cranes for demining territories. Ukraine also received two powerful autotransformers, purchased and transferred by the UN Development Program in Ukraine and the Japanese government.

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