Drones attack Russia’s Kursk and Belgorod by night

On Sunday night, the Russian air defense was activated over the Kursk and Belgorod Oblasts.

The local authorities claimed all aerial targets were downed, Rubryka reports, referring to the Russian defense ministry on Telegram.

The defense department reported that 27 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were allegedly intercepted by air defense — eighteen over the Kursk Oblast and nine above Belgorod Oblast.

The Kursk governor, Ruslan Starovoytov, also reported the alleged downing of 12 UAVs. At least four series of explosions were reported at the time. 

The governor claimed the Russian air defense downed drones in Kursk City and the village of Zorino; the authorities recorded the fall of debris and no casualties.

The Crimean Wind Telegram channel also reported that fires broke out in the occupied Crimea on Saturday evening. The dam with the crossing over Sivash Bay to the Kherson region was on fire.

Photo: Crimean Wind

"There is another fire, and it's much more interesting," the Crimean Wind said. "At first glance, it is the desert shore of Sivash. But there is a little-known dam with a crossing to the Kherson region, an entire fortified area, and a battery of [Russian] electronic defense systems."

The satellite showed a fire on the gas pipeline west of occupied Simferopol near the Tavrida highway.

Photo: Crimean wind

Attacks on Russian Kursk

In late September, Kursk locals reported a drone attack. The sources in Ukraine's Defense Intelligence later said the attack hit the local building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The source stressed that the attacks on Kursk continued. In particular, a Ukrainian drone attacked the building of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) in Kursk on the city day and an oil refinery near the local airfield.

Ukraine's Defense Intelligence also reported that on September 24, unknown saboteurs conducted successful operations in Russia's Moscow and Kaluga Oblasts, eliminating several units of Russian equipment.

On September 29, the Security Service of Ukraine conducted a successful special operation in the Kursk Oblast, arranging a new blackout for the Russians. Ukrainians attacked an electric substation connected to important Russian military objects.

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