European doctors to conduct free plastic surgery operations for Ukrainian soldiers in western Prykarpattia

Surgeons from all over Europe will conduct free plastic surgery operations for wounded Ukrainian soldiers in western regions of Prykarpattia, the Brass field hospital reports.

What is the problem?

Russia's full-scale war has been going on against Ukraine for over a year and 9 months. Brave and courageous soldiers have been steadfastly defending their land, but due to heavy fighting, they have received many injuries of varying severity. There are often severe burns that deform body parts.

Such injuries are also sustained by civilians who have come under enemy fire.

Foreign doctors of plastic and reconstructive surgery are impressed by the resistance of Ukrainians to the Russian invasion. They wish to help where Ukrainian medicine is powerless.

What is the solution?

The team of plastic surgeons from German Brass field hospital pledges to conduct complicated operations to help Ukrainian forces recover quicker.

Patients will be selected and surgically intervened by a team of specialists led by Professor Vadym Sulyma, MD, orthopedic traumatologist of the highest category (Ivano-Frankivsk).

How does it work?

Surgeons will operate patients with facial injuries due to burns of the face, neck, chest, ugly scars, facial paralysis, defects of the skin and soft tissues, etc.

What types of surgeries will be performed?

  • Complicated replacement of skin and bone defects due to severe combat injuries of the extremities;
  • Free skin grafting with vascular anastomosis (large flaps);
  • Bone autoplasty with vascular anastomosis (stage of the Maskulet method).

The surgeries are scheduled for November 2023 (about 5-7 patients will be selected).

US surgeons will perform free surgeries for Ukrainian soldiers for the third time as part of the Face To Face program.

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