Head of the local military administration Vitalii Barabash says Avdiivka had the first relatively calm night without Russian missile attacks. Ukrainian troops still face intense advance on the outskirts of the town.
During the day, Ukrainian aviation carried out 12 strikes on the areas of concentration of personnel, weapons, and military equipment and the enemy's bridge. Ukrainian troops also destroyed a Russian Su-25 fighter jet and an Orlan-10 tactical UAV.
Ukrainian defense forces continued offensive operations on the Melitopol and Bakhmut front, destroying the enemy and consolidating their positions.
The enemy is suffering significant losses on the battlefield. Over the past three days alone, during the assault operations in Krasnohorivka, Donetsk region, Russian losses amounted to more than 100 casualties, most of them due to the lack of evacuation from the battlefield.
Russian forces launched three missiles and 59 air strikes at populated civilian areas, which caused deaths and injuries.
Enemy troops launched a missile attack on a children's art center in Pokrovsk, the Donetsk region. Over 20 civilians were injured, and two administrative buildings were partially destroyed.
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