What is the problem?
Women have been actively involved on the battlefield since 2014. Ukrainian female soldiers are defending the country in the ranks just like men.
As of May 2023, 42,000 women are currently serving in Ukrainian forces. More than 5,000 women are on the front line directly in the danger zone. However, some problems must be addressed urgently, especially in providing women with modern anatomical armor.
What is the solution?
Ukraine's defense ministry is testing two models of women's body armor with special inserts that consider the peculiarities of the body structure.
How does it work?
The sides of the vest have damping inserts, not present in the men's models. They provide a snug fit to the body of the servicewomen and serve as protection.
Ukraine's DM department is conducting the test for the second time after considering women's necessities.
After completing the 'field' trial wear, the manufacturers will conduct laboratory tests. The vest will be tested in different climatic conditions.
Based on the results of these tests, the Ministry of Defense will approve the reference samples, and then the vests will be considered accepted for supply to the Armed Forces.
The tests are being conducted during training and combat missions, which makes the conditions of use of the new armor closer to combat.
The whole work on women's field uniforms began back in 2022 at the initiative of the Arm Women Now project, the Forma Two public initiative, and with the participation of Tetiana Lomakina, Advisor to the Presidential Commissioner for Accessibility.
Finally, in August 2023, the defense ministry approved a sample standard for women's summer field suits. Women's summer field uniforms were officially put into service.
In early September of this year, Ukrainian Armor™, the first domestic manufacturer of modern technological armor protection, presented the first anatomical female armor suit, Ruta Lyuta.
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