Many of Ukrainian students were unable to start the academic year in the classroom. According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 25% of them are studying remotely and 30% are studying in a hybrid format. Last year, UNESCO and partners provided 50,000 teachers with computers. Now, UNESCO is providing teachers with an online training and a suite of resources to further develop their digital skills and help them deliver quality distance and hybrid learning.
"Since February 2022, UNESCO has continuously supported Ukrainian teachers to ensure that students continue learning in the midst of war. I pay tribute to their work, resilience and continued dedication. As the new academic year has just begun, UNESCO reaffirms its commitment to them. Because education is the cornerstone on which Ukraine's future is built," said Stefania Giannini, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education.
In Ukraine, the ongoing war has put further strain on the education system with school teachers being among the internally displaced persons and lacking the tools and training to keep teaching at a distance or in hybrid mode. The new "Digital Teacher" training launched by UNESCO with funding from will address these challenges – by strengthening teachers skills and ability to leverage digital tools, while improving their working conditions and well-being.
Developed by UNESCO and a group of Ukrainian experts, the online training comprises seven modules, each containing guidance and interactive activities where teachers can discuss specific questions and access practical exercises, tests and additional resources. It facilitates the creation of relevant, authentic and engaging learning experiences. The content also addresses aspects of mental health, psychosocial support, social and emotional learning.
"In the new school year, 1 million Ukrainian students are forced to pursue their education exclusively through distance learning. Such a situation requires enhancing digital solutions to ensure equal access to quality education for all in the midst of war. As we commemorate World Teacher's Day, we join hands with UNESCO to empower teachers with the 'Digital Teacher' project," said, Dmytro Zavgorodyi, Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Ukraine.
Alongside the course, UNESCO is establishing a Community of Practice and a mentoring network to support educators in developing their competencies. Teachers will be able to exchange best practices, share innovative teaching methodologies, and collectively address challenges related to digital teaching and learning.
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