Photo: Facebook / Volodymyr Zelensky / video grab
On Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urged partners at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting in Brussels to improve his country's air defense.
"Air defense is essential to responding to the question of when this war will end and whether it will end fairly for Ukraine," the Ukrainian leader said.
In the upcoming winter, the Russian army would try to repeat its last-year tactics to destroy Ukrainian infrastructure but "with greater terrorist efforts," Zelensky said.
He also stressed that "everyone can see what the sky protection means."
"This is a guarantee that the cities will have a normal life, there will be an economy, there will be people," he said.
The president believes long-range air defense can also guarantee the functioning of export corridors in the Black Sea and the Danube region and that "Russian planes will not be able to reach our Ukrainian borders, solving the problem of guided Russian bombs."
Ukraine needs to see a "push and a step forward" in providing air defense systems, Zelensky added.
What we know about Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting
On Wednesday, another Ukraine defense meeting, known as the Ramstein format, is held at the NATO headquarters in Brussels.
A meeting of the Ukraine-NATO Council is also scheduled for the same day. Newly appointed Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umierov traveled from Ukraine to meet with his counterpart.
President Volodymyr Zelensky is also on an unannounced visit to Brussels and arrived at the NATO headquarters to participate in the Ramstein meeting for the first time.
As Zelensky reported, he should meet with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.
In turn, the Pentagon chief, Lloyd Austin, confirmed providing a new $200 million aid package to Ukraine.
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