The state will more than double its support to efforts to clear mines laid in Ukraine since the start of Russia's brutal war of aggression, says Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt.
The widespread use of mines and cluster munitions has led to Ukraine becoming the most heavily mined country in the world today. Norway is now more than doubling its efforts to combat mines in Ukraine following the outbreak of Russia's brutal war of aggression.
Anniken Huitfeldt noted that demining in Ukraine saves lives and protects civilians, especially children. Mine action is also a prerequisite for other emergency assistance and infrastructure reconstruction forms.
Clearance of mines and other explosives is a key priority for the Ukrainians and Norwegian efforts in Ukraine. Ukraine's own post-war recovery plan identifies humanitarian mine clearance as one of the top five priorities. The Ukrainian authorities will place particular focus on the restoration of agricultural land and reconstruction of critical infrastructure.
Approximately 30 % of Ukraine's land area is now littered with mines and unexploded ordnance. Demining is vital to enable Ukrainian farmers to cultivate their crops. Prior to Russia's invasion, Ukraine was known as the breadbasket of the world.
Now, hundreds of millions of people in vulnerable areas outside Ukraine are at risk of starvation due to the decline in Ukrainian grain production and attacks by Russia on Ukrainian ports and grain exports.
Norway has provided NOK 164 million for mine clearance activities since Russia launched its full-scale war against Ukraine in February 2022. The Norwegian Government has now significantly increased its funding for humanitarian mine clearance activities.
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