Russian occupiers resort to truck transport of military boats in Crimea amid fear of sea relocation

In the occupied Crimea, the Russian invaders are afraid to relocate military boats by sea. That's why they chose another way – transporting them on trucks.

Atesh partisan movement reported that on Telegram.

"The Russians are afraid of relocating military boats by sea," the report says.

Thus, the partisans recorded the transportation of a military boat from the port of Feodosia deep into the Crimea.

"It was impossible to identify the exact type of boat due to camouflage," Atesh writes.

According to the partisans, the occupiers feared for their watercraft even on the peninsula's eastern side.

For reference:

After the attack on the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet, Russian forces moved several ships from the temporarily occupied Sevastopol to Novorossiysk (Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation), probably in an attempt to protect them from missile and drone strikes, the report of the Institute for the Study of War also claimed.

At the same time, Russian ships, probably fearing new strikes, began to leave the waters of the temporarily occupied Crimea less often.

In particular, it recently became known that the occupiers relocated 14 ships of the Black Sea Fleet from occupied Sevastopol to Novorossiysk, the largest port in the south of the Russian Federation (Krasnodar territory).

On September 21, the Special Security Service of Ukraine and the Naval Forces launched a large-scale attack on the Saki military airfield in occupied Crimea. UAVs and Neptune missiles were used for the attack.

On September 20, the Defense Forces hit the command post of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation near Sevastopol.

On September 19, the Security Service of Ukraine and the Navy destroyed the "Triumph" enemy anti-aircraft complex in Crimea.

On September 16, due to strikes on Sevastopol by missiles and naval drones, the Defense Forces of Ukraine damaged two ships of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, including one submarine.





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