Russia sends weapons captured in Ukraine to Hamas for major provocation – Ukrainian intelligence

The Russian aggressors handed over to Hamas terrorists the weapons captured during the hostilities in Ukraine. The Russian Federation is preparing a large-scale campaign to discredit Ukraine in the Middle East.

The press service of the state government reported this.

Ukrainian intelligence reports that the Russian GRU (Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) has already handed over to Hamas militants captured during the hostilities in Ukraine trophy weapons manufactured in the USA and EU countries.

According to the Russians' plan, the next step should be to falsely accuse the Ukrainian military of allegedly selling Western weapons to terrorists on a regular basis.

It is noted that as part of the Kremlin's disinformation campaign, these fakes should form the basis of a number of "revealing publications" and "investigations" in the Western media.

The Main Directorate of Intelligence adds that, for the sake of persuasiveness, the Russian special services intend to use the relevant comments of the traitor from the Ukrainian Border Service, senior lieutenant Ruslan Syrovyi, who recently fled to Moscow.

Intelligence emphasizes that the enemy's next provocation is aimed at discrediting Ukraine's armed forces and the complete cessation of military aid from the Western allies to Ukraine.

It should be noted that Russia has already started spreading fakes about Ukrainian weapons from Hamas terrorists. However, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine emphasized that the Ukrainians could not hand over weapons to the militants because Western partners closely monitor the weapons and military equipment they supply to Ukraine to fight against Russian aggression.

It should be noted that the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, stated that the Hamas attack on Israel will contribute to Russian aggression against Ukraine because it will divert the world's attention from it.

For reference:

It should be noted that early in the morning on October 7, a large number of Hamas militants entered the territory of Israel, taking control of several communities in the south of Israel.

In addition, "as a sign of solidarity" with the Palestinians, the Lebanese "Hezbollah" said it fired rockets and mortars at Israel. At the same time, Israel's defense forces responded with artillery strikes and drones.

According to the latest figures, at least 700 people have died in Israel due to the attack by Hamas.

It also became known that two citizens of Ukraine died in Israel, and measures are being taken to organize the repatriation of the bodies of the dead.

For the first time in 50 years, Israel announced the introduction of martial law. On the night of October 8, Israel's security cabinet voted to officially declare the country at war due to a Hamas rocket attack and militant incursion into the country.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced that the United States of America would announce support for Israel following the attack by Hamas terrorists.

Israel has now regained control of all areas. Currently, there are no hostilities on its territory. At the same time, it is not excluded that there are still Hamas militants on Israeli territory.


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