Rubryka reports, referring to U-Report, that 51% of the respondents said that they occasionally or rarely felt overwhelming anxiety. 21% said that they very often felt strong anxiety in recent weeks, and 18% feel well and are not under psychological pressure.
Young people also rated how often they felt indifferent to things they normally enjoyed. 29% reported that they occasionally felt indifferent, while 11% said they always felt that way in the past weeks.
When asked, "Who would young people feel comfortable talking to about stress and fatigue?" 50% of respondents answered that they confide in close friends. The same number of respondents would like to talk about their condition with a psychologist or consultant; 30% mentioned relatives.
At the same time, 55% of respondents reported never seeking professional help, 32% turned to psychologists but rarely, and 11% of respondents sought aid often or constantly.
50% of respondents look for answers to questions about well-being and mental health online on relevant websites and social media. 15% use free psychological support programs. 9% listen to the advice of bloggers on the topic. 38% admitted that they do not use any resources.
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